Commit 037ba794 authored by ='s avatar =

hungtt-commit service camp-exe-interactive

parent 55a6b806
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class ContactCustResultDTO extends BaseDTO{
private Long agentId;
private Long campaignId;
private String campaignName;
private Long phoneNumber;
private String phoneNumber;
private String customerName;
private Long customerId;
private String contactStatus;
detail = Chi ti?t
stt = STT
detail = Detail
stt = No
#Campaign Execute Interactive
campaign.execute.interactive.title = Chi ti?t k?t qu? t??ng tc
campaign.execute.interactive.campaignCode = M chi?n d?ch
campaign.execute.interactive.campaignName = Tn chi?n d?ch
campaign.execute.interactive.agentId = M t? v?n vin
campaign.execute.interactive.phoneNumber = S? ?i?n tho?i
campaign.execute.interactive.customerId = M khch hng
campaign.execute.interactive.customerName = Tn khch hng
campaign.execute.interactive.callTime = Th?i gian lin l?c
campaign.execute.interactive.contactStatus = Tr?ng thi k?t n?i
campaign.execute.interactive.surveyStatus = Tr?ng thi kh?o st
campaign.execute.interactive.status = Tr?ng thi chi?n d?ch
campaign.execute.interactive.recordStatus = Tr?ng thi b?n ghi
campaign.execute.interactive.title = Chi tiết kết quả tương tác
campaign.execute.interactive.campaignCode = Campaign code
campaign.execute.interactive.campaignName = Campaign name
campaign.execute.interactive.agentId = Agent id
campaign.execute.interactive.phoneNumber = Phone number
campaign.execute.interactive.customerId = Customer id
campaign.execute.interactive.customerName = Customer name
campaign.execute.interactive.createTime = Create time
campaign.execute.interactive.contactStatus = Contact status
campaign.execute.interactive.surveyStatus = Trạng thái khảo sát
campaign.execute.interactive.status = Trạng thái chiến dịch
campaign.execute.interactive.recordStatus = Trạng thái bản ghi
select AP_PARAM_ID apParamId,
select PAR_VALUE apParamId,
PAR_NAME parName
where PAR_TYPE = 'CAMPAIGN_TYPE' and COMPANY_SITE_ID = :p_company_site_id
......@@ -16,13 +16,8 @@ from contact_cust_result a
left join campaign_complete_code f on a.call_status = e.complete_value
left join campaign g on a.campaign_id = b.campaign_id
where a.status <> 0
and a.campaign_id in (:p_list_campaign_id)
and a.customer_id like '%'||:p_customer_id||'%'
and a.company_site_id = :p_company_site_id
and a.create_time >= to_date(:p_date_from, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
and a.create_time <= to_date(:p_date_to, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
and a.contact_status in (:p_list_contact_status)
and a.call_status in (:p_list_survey_status)
and a.status in (:p_list_record_status)
and a.phone_number like '%'||:p_phone_number||'%'
and a.duration_call >= :p_call_time_from
and a.duration_call <= :p_call_time_to
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