Commit 1f53d135 authored by đinh thị đầm's avatar đinh thị đầm

fix bug tester

parent 09d031a7
......@@ -1968,14 +1968,14 @@ public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService {
sb.append("with cusPhone as (");
sb.append(" select customer_id cusId,");
sb.append(" listagg(contact, ',') within group (order by create_date desc) phone");
sb.append(" listagg(contact, ', ') within group (order by create_date desc) phone");
sb.append(" from customer_contact cc");
sb.append(" where cc.contact_type = 5");
sb.append(" and status = 1 ");
sb.append(" group by customer_id");
sb.append(" ), cusEmail as (");
sb.append(" select customer_id cusId,");
sb.append(" listagg(contact , ',') within group(order by create_date desc) email");
sb.append(" listagg(contact , ', ') within group(order by create_date desc) email");
sb.append(" from customer_contact cc");
sb.append(" where cc.contact_type = 2");
sb.append(" and status = 1 ");
......@@ -2009,9 +2009,10 @@ public class CustomerServiceImpl implements CustomerService {
sb.append(" from");
sb.append(" (");
sb.append(" select * from datas");
sb.append(" order by");
sb.append(" order by UPPER(");
sb.append(" ) a");
sb.append(" where rownum < ((:p_page_number * :p_page_size) + 1 )");
sb.append(" )");
sb.append(" where r__ >= (((:p_page_number-1) * :p_page_size) + 1)");
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