Commit a6a050b8 authored by ='s avatar =

hungtt-commit fix bug get customize field

parent d37d77f1
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
<!-- <scope>system</scope>-->
<!-- <systemPath>${project.basedir}/lib/ojdbc7.jar</systemPath>-->
......@@ -551,6 +551,7 @@ public class CampaignRepositoryImpl implements CampaignRepositoryCustom {
sb.append(" select title columnName, customize_field_id customizeFieldId, 0 isFix from customize_fields, dual");
sb.append(" where function_code = 'CUSTOMER'");
sb.append(" and site_id = :p_company_site_id");
sb.append(" and status = 1");
sb.append(" and customize_field_id not in (select customize_field_id from campaign_customerlist_column where campaign_customerlist_column.campaign_id = :p_campaign_id)");
params.put("p_company_site_id", dto.getCompanySiteId());
params.put("p_campaign_id", dto.getCampaignId());
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