Commit d712ba6d authored by Nguyen Ha's avatar Nguyen Ha

fix sonar

parent 63ddc8fc
......@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ public class CampaignServiceImpl implements CampaignService {
// Cap nhat cac truong da co san
for (FieldsToShowDTO fieldsToShowDTO : list) {
if (fieldsToShowDTO.getId() != null) {
listColumns.removeIf(p -> p.getCampaignCusListColId() == fieldsToShowDTO.getId());
listColumns.removeIf(p -> p.getCampaignCusListColId().equals(fieldsToShowDTO.getId()));
CampaignCustomerListColumn entity = campaignCustomerListColumnRepository.findByCampaignCusListColId(fieldsToShowDTO.getId());
entity.setOrderIndex((long) (list.indexOf(fieldsToShowDTO) + 1));;
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